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Pick Your Own

Pick Your Own

We have eight acres of soft fruit at Cedarbarn, all available for visitors to either pick themselves or buy in the shop. This is a really popular activity with local families. We grow many different kinds of fruit and, as well as selling them, we use them in our café for mouth-watering tarts, crumbles and summer puddings. We even put them into our own jams and chutneys so they can be enjoyed all year round and we can make sure that no fruit ever goes to waste.

We've recently installed a cutting-edge irrigation system for our soft fruits which ensures they're perfectly watered all the time and super-juicy, so there's something to pick all summer long…


The PYO patch has now closed for the season.

We grow varieties of strawberry which ripen at different times, which means you can pick strawberries here from the early 'Christine' variety, grown under fleece and available now, right through to 'Sonata' in August. We have also just introduced an area of table-top strawberry plants situated close to the café, which means that our more elderly or infirm customers are now able to pick their own too!

Other soft fruits

Other soft fruits are available to buy from the Farm Shop when in season.

Come and discover the fabulous taste of freshly-picked summer fruits!

Apples and plums

We have over 30 different types of apples at Cedarbarn – everything from apples for eating, for cooking and even for cider-making! None of our fruit is wasted as what doesn’t sell goes to make Cedarbarn’s delicious jams, juices and chutneys.