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Dog Walking Field

Secure and lit field to exercise your dogs

We have extended our family friendly offering to our four-legged friends with a secure field for you to exercise your dog/s. The 1.25 acre field is open daily from 7.00 am to 5.00 pm and is surrounded by 6' high secure fencing and is fully lit for year-round use.

The field has a double gated handling area to keep entry safe and a tap to refill water bowls.

Only one booking is available per time slot, so you can be assured that you have exclusive use of the field.

Take a seat

The field is located next to the Farm Shop and Café so you can enjoy a takeout coffee and a snack at the picnic table whilst your dog plays safely.

We respectfully ask that any rubbish and bagged dog poo is placed in the bins provided.

Parking area

When you arrive at Cedarbarn, follow the signs to the Cedarbarn Dog Field and park in one of the allotted Dog Field spaces. You will be sent the code for the padlock before your session and we ask that you lock the gate behind you for the duration of your session.

Respect other users

Please respect people using the field before you by waiting by your car until the field is vacated. This is one of a few rules that we have put in place to make using the dog field an enjoyable experience for everyone. Please familiarise yourself with them before booking your slot.

Need help?

If you have any problems, please call 01751 475614. Please follow the link below to book.

Book Now

Cedarbarn Dog Field Rules

Users need to comply with the following rules to ensure the field runs in a manner that benefits everybody. Non-compliance will mean you are barred from using the field.

Booking - You may only use the field if you have a booking, bookings are prepaid and made via the Cedarbarn website.

  • The field is appointment only and you have exclusive use of the field, so there are no other people or dogs inside the field.
  • Please wait in your car or away from the entrance so the previous user can leave the field safely. If you arrive late to your appointment, you must still leave once your appointment slot is finished.
  • If you arrive early please stay inside your car until the previous booking are back in their car, or have exited the field.
  • When you enter the field please re-lock the field from the inside, this stops other people entering and stops non-members reading the padlock code.
  • Some dogs using this field are reactive so it is essential that you leave the field and are back in your car by the end of your booked time slot.
  • Please stick to the time slot booked and leave promptly so the next user can have access.
  • On leaving the field, please always close the inner gate and the outer gate, even if somebody is waiting to come in. This ensures everyone knows the code and is important for safety.

Control - Please keep your dog on a lead until you are in the field with the gate locked.

Poo bags must to be used - You must take your own dog poo bags and collect your own dog’s faeces in a suitable (preferably biodegradable) bag and put it in the bin provided. If you find faeces in the field that isn't from your dog, please use a cone, located in the shelter, to cover it over.

No digging allowed - due to the risk of injury to other dogs if running fast we cannot allow digging in the field. You must stop your dog and fill any holes in before leaving the field.

Smoking - No smoking in the field. Please go onto the public road if you wish to smoke.

Biosecurity - We cannot guarantee that everybody has their dogs immunised so the risk of infectious diseases is the same as going for a normal dog walk. This is the same for natural issues such as ticks and grass seeds.

Rubbish - We are happy for members to bring picnics to the field but please take your rubbish home with you or leave in the bin provided.

Toilets - There are toilets available on site accessible behind the Cedarbarn Café.

Cancellations - You may rearrange your booking slot up to 12 hours before the booking time. This is done via the link at the bottom of the confirmation email.

Please act considerately towards others on site at all time.

Please call 07983 416801 if the previous booking are late to leave the field.


This is not a manicured park and the ground is uneven so please take care when walking around the field. The Owner(s)/Supervisor(s) of dog(s) use Cedarbarn Dog Field and associated areas at their own risk.

The Management does not accept liability for any accident, injury or misadventure or damage to person, animal or property however so incurred.


  • How much does it cost?

    A 30 minute session for:

    • 1-3 dogs - £5.00
    • 4-8 dogs - £8.00

    A 1 hour session for:

    • 1-3 dogs - £8.00
    • 4-8 dogs - £12.00
    • 9-12 dogs - £15.00
  • How do I book?

    To book, just click on the “Click here to book now!” box and you’ll be taken to the booking sheet, where you’ll see what sessions are available, how to pay etc.

  • How far in advance can I book?

    You can book up to a year in advance so feel free to book the same slot every week. You can rearrange your slot up to 6 hours before the start time but after that it is non-refundable. To do this just click on the grey box at the bottom of your confirmation email.

    It is possible to book several slots in one go by selecting "re-occurring" then going to the bottom of the list then selecting "choose additional time". You will get to check the selected slots before proceeding to pay.

    It is also possible to buy blocks of credits. This gives you 20% off your bookings which, for the cheapest booking, works out as £50 worth of bookings for £40. Appointments can be arranged one by one, not all at the same time, using a code which you receive in exchange for your payment.

  • Payment is by card or PayPal as you book.

    The top box is for debit/credit card payments. The booking form will direct you through this.

  • Full directions will be emailed to you once we receive your booking, along with the padlock code.

    The map below shows the locations.

    We will be changing the access codes randomly, and you will receive an email and text one hour before your booked slot with the correct padlock code.

  • What times can I visit?

    The field is open from 7 am to 6 pm, 7 days per week.

    Please remember you MUST pre-book and pay for a session prior to your visit. You will have exclusive access of the field during your booked session.

  • Does the field have lights?

    The field does not have lights so please bear this in mind when booking, particularly during the winter months.