News from the farm
Homegrown fruit and vegetables and home reared lamb and beef
Farming and growing are in Farmer Karl’s blood and we’re proud that we grow a significant percentage of our produce on the farm here at Cedarbarn Farm Shop and Café. The produce in the shop and the menu in the café follows the farming year, from asparagus in the spring through strawberries, raspberries, plums, apples and rhubarb to pumpkins in the autumn. Farmer Karl’s (and neighbour, Farmer David’s) home reared Aberdeen Angus and lamb also feature heavily on the butchery counter and in the café.
Here’s a snapshot of what the growing team are up to this month:
Our new asparagus patch
The team have been busy hand-planting over 5,000 asparagus crowns to safeguard our popular homegrown asparagus crop for future years.
Strawberries from June to September
Great news for strawberry lovers: we have doubled the number of strawberry plants and added new varieties including Florence, Malling Centenary, Elsanta and Senata so that we’ll have pick homegrown strawberries from the beginning of June right through the school holidays to September. Our tabletop planting means that we don’t need to use herbicides and that they’re really easy to pick!
The rhubarb’s ready
We’ve planted early and late varieties so that you can enjoy delicious homegrown Yorkshire rhubarb from the farm shop and in the café right through to July.
New calves
Farmers Karl, David and Sam have almost finished calving. Our cattle are all grass-fed and outdoor reared, so have a happy life, which is very important to us. Our Aberdeen Angus prime beef is probably our most popular product, whether it’s bought in the shop to cook at home or enjoyed in the café.
The kitchen garden
We have six raised beds that are devoted to homegrown produce exclusively for our chefs to use in the meals that they prepare for the café and the farm shop. The beds provide an abundance of vegetables that are picked fresh daily and travel just a few metres from the garden to the kitchen. You can’t get fewer food miles than that!
Pictured is the sixth generation Avison to specialise in homegrown fruit and vegetables: Farmer Karl’s grandson, Albert (AKA Farmer Bert!)
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